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Oeko-Tex Wool Batting

Product Description

1.Our wool has not been bleached, carbonized or dyed.  SHANDONG AOBO fully complies with  Oeko-Tex Standard 100 for meeting the strict environmental  ecological  requirements for baby products.

2.wool batting are suitable for multiple chemical sensitivity sufferers or those who have allergies, dust mites don’t like wool.  

3. Regulates Temperature – You can wear wool from the coldest temperatures up to 80+ degrees and be comfortable.

Fiber Composition

Insulation:100% natural wool with Oeko-Tex Certified


 Babies and toddlers clothing & quilts ,  jackets underwear, mattresses, etc


If you need to wash it, use lukewarm water and a mild detergent.

Do not agitate or bleach! Agitation makes the wool felt, and bleach will ruin the   fibers.

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