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Industrial Filtration Media

Filter media as roll goods

made of needle felt and glass fibre fabric


Filter media - provide the individual & tailored solution

?   Varieties Material Choose

?   Multi-layer Fiber Construction & Support Scrim

?   Excellent Durability and Longer Life

?   Mechanically High-strength

?   Finished Treatment Performance

?   Higher Efficiency

?   Easy Cleaning

?   Less Dust Emission

?   Better Pressure Performance

?   Resistance to Corrosive Flue Gas & Dust

?   Glass fibre fabric with ePTFE membrane


?   Working width up to 2.60 m

?   Basis weight from 250 to 950 g/m2

?   Innovative performance material can be used in numerous areas and fulfill various requirements

?   Reliable and durable materiel from roll

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