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Lab of Filter Media Analysis

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Lab of Filter Media Analysis

  • Strength Test

There are some strength test methods to determine the mechanical properties of filter media and textile products, such as tensile strength, tear strength, seam strength.

GB/T 3923.1/EN 29073-3 / EN 13934

  • Water Repellency Test

- This method for the determining of the water repellency of filter media and textile fabrics.

- GB/T 4745

  • Permeability test

- This method for the determining of thepermeability test of filter media and textile fabrics.

- GB/T 5453, EN ISO 9237

  • Construction Test

-The test methods are used to determine the construction properties offilter media and textiles, including mass per unit area and density test

-GB/T 24218.1, EN 12127

  • Analysis fiber

This is the analysis fiber of filter media and textile fabrics.

(Source: Shandong AOBO Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd)

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