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Camel hair wadding Insulaton

Product Description

AB- CHT Insulation, Camel hair wadding  is light, fine and soft. It can absorb up to 30 percent of its own weight in liquid and provides a dry and comfortable sleeping climate. The specific feature of camels is their adaptability to the extreme temperature variations of their habitat. In the dry areas and semi-deserts, their fur protects them both against cold up to -30°C and against heat up to +40°C.

Like other natural wool fibres, Camel hair can be either needlepunched, needlepunched on a carrier web or thermally bonded. A blending of different wool fibres with each other or with other materials is possible. If fine quality fibres such as camel hair are blended with other raw materials, a pretreatment is required to improve their blending capability.

Fiber Composition                                           

Insulation: Camel hair


Intended Uses

apparel, quilt, comforter, etc.

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