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Congratulate the company successfully passed technical appraisal and acceptance
Article source : Shandong AoBo Release time : 2015-04-27 PV :Times

The meeting 2015.03.14, 9:30 am in Shandong Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. launched Obo.

Acceptance of the project identified a total of five, namely:

1. For the removal of ultrafine particles in the flue gas temperature of the new media (new product identification)

2. The new filter for the removal of the research and development of high temperature flue gas ultrafine particles (the results of identification)

3. The high temperature flue gas dust removal efficiency with a ceramic filter cleaning Key (acceptance) Technology

4.High temperature flue gas dust with Key Technologies ceramic filter material (identification of new products)

5. The high temperature flue gas dust removal efficiency with a ceramic filter cleaning key research (the results of identification) technology


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